No Ambush Massage!

Solaris Massage will not book appointments without the consent or knowledge of the recipient of the massage. Please let people make their own massage appointments.

If you know someone who could use a massage, buy them a massage gift certificate. While a surprise sounds nice in theory, a surprise massage is not.Massage is about relaxation, but it is also about boundaries. Attempting to decide when, where, and how a person should relax usually results in a more stressful experience—for everyone.

Even a person you know very well can have a dozen reasons he doesn’t want to get a massage on Tuesday at precisely 2:00, and a client who doesn’t actually want a massage is never going to be able to relax.

Maybe you are thinking “I’d love for someone to make me a massage appointment and surprise me with it!” But let’s take a moment to consider just a few of the reasons a person (even you) might not want an ambush massage.

1. She’s on her period and feels cruddy.

2. He doesn’t like being touched by strangers.

3. She didn’t shave her legs this morning and feels self-conscious about it.

4. He’s never had a massage before, and isn’t really sure if he wants one at all.

5. She has lunch plans with a friend at that time.

6. Work has been very busy, and taking time off will negatively impact his work.

7. She has allergies and laying face down for a half hour will make breathing impossible.

8. He has a rash on his back he feels weird about having a massage therapist touch him right now.

While we adore the sentiment of helping someone you care about relax, we are not in the business of working on people who don’t want to be here. On a related note, you cannot fill out an intake form for another person. We need for the person receiving the massage to read, understand, and sign the intake form. If an adult cannot communicate with his massage therapist what his needs are, he is not a candidate for a massage. We work on adults. Adults make their own appointments and fill out their own intake forms. It’s really that simple.

Thea Voutiritsas