
Specialty Massage techniques require extra training and are each 90-minute sessions. While every therapist is trained in a wide variety of techniques and can offer great Custom Blend Massages, Specialty Massage requires more specific booking in order for the correct room, equipment, and therapist to be ready.

Ready to try something new? Read on, and book soon! If you’re buying a gift, a 90-minute insures the recipient can choose from ANY of our Specialty Massages or a Custom Blend.



Ashiatsu is a form of deep tissue massage. The therapist uses bars overhead for balance and applies deep compression with their feet. The therapist is able to moderate pressure from zero to full body weight using the overhead bars (so, no, you will not be crushed). This technique is perfect for cyclists, runners, dancers, really any athlete who loves deep tissue work. We are proud to have been the FIRST Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy provider in Kansas City!


The 90-minute CranioSacral session offers a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system—comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Our skilled CranioSacral therapist does a full treatment using this subtle but powerful technique.

Deep Tissue

The therapist uses elbow, knuckles, and forearms to press into deep layers of muscle tissue. You can’t hurry love; likewise muscle. Deep tissue work requires a 90-minute appointment. While some people associate the term “deep tissue” with more pressure, we often use stretching, pressure points, and encourage deep breathing to reach the deeper layers of your tissue. If you simply want to be pummeled, this might not be the place for you. None of our therapists believe massage should hurt to be effective.

Fire & Ice

Hot and cold stones alternate to help exhausted post-marathon muscles recover. In our massage-assisted version of contrast therapy, metabolic waste is flushed from tired tissue. This is a 90-minute service.

Hot Stone

In our signature treatment, smooth basalt stones are heated to around the temperature of a latte. We use the stones to heat our hands and as a tool to massage your body. Warm muscles are more pliable, so we can accomplish more in our short time together. This deeply relaxing and powerfully therapeutic treatment uses 30-45 hot stones and requires 90 minutes.